We are running individual and group Conductive Education sessions for adults who have the diagnosis of:
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease or Parkinsonism
Acquired brain injury
Cerebral Palsy
Or who have survived a stroke
The above are life-long conditions therefore conductive education cannot cure, but it is able to help people to control the physical symptoms, become more independent, improve their confidence and have a better quality of life. It offers practical techniques designed to overcome everyday problems. These techniques are taught within the structured programme so that they may be adapted by the participants in their everyday activities.
All participants are different and so are their daily lives. Therefore, the programme of the session is flexible to accommodate each individual’s needs and allows learning techniques and strategies relevant to their own personal situation.
The practitioners of conductive education are called `conductors` and are all trained to degree level. They see each individual as a unified whole, aim to get to know the individuals’ needs, inspire them to formulate own goals, motivate them for fulfilling these and find the path of active daily learning.
During the sessions participants are guided through tasks by the conductor and helped to perform them in their own chosen way. Sessions are usually carried out in small groups. People within the group all work together but all will have their own goals. The conductor leads the whole group and ensures that everyone is active and able to participate in the programme. The group provides a positive medium for learning; shared experiences playing an important role. The group also acts as motivator, as well as support, for each individual.
Carers and family members are encouraged to attend sessions, alongside the person with neurological condition, providing them with useful practical skills, as well as in-depth insight into the condition. Discussion time allows participants to share experiences and discuss achievements with each other and conductors. Conductors view all of the neurological disease as a condition that affects the whole family and places an importance on working with the person living with the condition. The central role of the family is always seen as essential in the learning process.
Benefits of conductive education
Conductive education always focuses on what the participants can do. Through this positive approach it enhances the quality of life by giving opportunities to
Improve posture and symmetry
Learn how to initiate movements better - for example sit up or get in and out of bed
Increase tempo of movements
Improve balance and co-ordination
Learn techniques to reduce/control involuntary movements
Increase range of movements
Improve walking technique
Teach technique to overcome freezing
Improve fine manipulation skills which lead to more independence in self-care like dressing
Improve writing technique
Improve communication by working on facial expressions, breathing technique and speech
Improve confidence and self-esteem and boosting mood
You can access our sessions following an initial consultation.
A block of one to one sessions are available to set the foundations for the individual needs. This is Pathway 1 when we personalise the tasks for our client`s lifestyle. Then we progress to Pathway 2: this has the additional benefit of a small group of individuals working towards similar goals and creating opportunities to share lived experience.
Initial consultation is free of charge, individual session fees are starting from £50 session depending on location and duration, while group sessions are starting from £20. Please inquire for your individualised plan.
Participants may self-refer, however we welcome referrals from their respective Nurses, or other Healthcare professionals involved.
For more information please contact us below.
Conductive Education
Dear conductors, may we thank you for helping us acquire
the knowledge and self-confidence that all of us desire.
For we are sure we would not be as mobile and controlled
in how to sit or walk or rise, if we had not been told.
Place right heel on your left knee, don’t forget to point your toe
drawing snail shells on the table and don’t do it too slow!
Move your fingers along the pencil, left hand down and right hand up
one hand in each direction that’s when we all get stuck!
Shuffle forward on your bottom, moving hips from side to side
and keep your knees together or feet apart, hip wide.
Deep breathing by the window to the sounds of hee haa ho
or walking through the ladder, you taught us all we know.
We thank you for your patience, your skill and expertise
and showing us some ways to deal with Parkinson’s disease.
One thing we practiced most of all, repeat without relent
is how to count from one to five with a Hungarian accent!
And even a pandemic, with social distancing required
Can’t stop us in our firm resolve, by Zoom we are inspired.
I recommend you try CE, there’s surely nought to lose
step forward, lift your feet and never shuffle in your shoes!
Philip Beckett - Parkinson`s program participant
March 2021